Friday, April 26, 2024

Essentials of Sociology 6th Ed | PDF | Deviance (Sociology) | Sociology

Essentials of Sociology 6th Ed | PDF | Deviance (Sociology) | Sociology

625 pages
Essentials of Sociology 6th Ed
Uploaded byRichard Forrest Date uploadedon Feb 12, 2021

Essentials of Sociology Sixth Edition

There is a newer edition of this item:

Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Sociology
This title will be released on July 1, 2024.
With a combination of up-to-the minute examples, cutting-edge research, and the latest available data, Essentials of Sociology gets students thinking sociologically about what they're seeing in the news and on their screens. Highlighting the macro social forces at work in our everyday lives, the authors move students beyond their individual experiences and cultivate their sociological imaginations. Innovative pedagogy promotes active reading and helps students master core sociological concepts. This strong in-text pedagogical program is now supported by InQuizitive, Norton's new formative, adaptive learning tool.

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