Sunday, May 22, 2022

노르딕모델과 대륙형모델의 형성 및 변천과정 연구


한국보건사회연구원 여유진 외

경제·인문사회연구회 협동연구총서

노르딕모델과 대륙형모델의 형성 및 변천과정 연구

1.   협동연구총서 시리즈






노르딕 모델과 대륙형 모델의 형성 및 변 천과정 연구

여유진 연구위원

2.   참여연구진







여유진 연구위원 (총괄책임자)

김미곤 선임연구위원 김기태 부연구위원




정재훈 교수




김인춘 교수






서현수 박사




길리아노 보놀리

(Giuliano Bonoli)


제 출 문

경제・인문사회연구회 이사장 귀하

본 보고서를 “노르딕 모델과 대륙형 모델의 형성 및 변천과정 연구”의 최종보고서로 제출합니다.

2019년 7월

한국보건사회연구원 원장 조 흥 식

본 연구는 노르딕 모델(스웨덴, 덴마크, 핀란드)과 유럽대륙 모델(독일, 네덜란드, 스위스)의
복지국가 형성 과정 및 최근 변천의 정치․경제․사회적 요인, 주요 내용, 흐름을 심층적으로 분석함 으로써 한국 복지국가 발전에 정책적 함의를 얻고자 하는데 그 목적이 있다.

이념형적(ideal type)으로 볼 때 복지국가는 민주적 협의 구조와 상호 신뢰의 기반 위에, 교육,
노동, 복지, 경제가 선순환 구조를 형성함으로써 혁신성, 생산성, 유연성, 포용성이 높은 나라이
다. 본 보고서에서 논의된 노르딕과 유럽대륙 복지국가들이 이러한 조건과 결과를 모두 충족하지 않는다. 그럼에도 불구하고 이러한 국가들은 복지국가 형성의 역사적 과정에서 사회적 갈등을 슬기롭게 극복하고 사회집단 간에 민주적 협의구조를 제도화하는데 비교적 성공한 국가들이다. 황금기 복지국가 시기 동안 고도 경제성장을 바탕으로 전체 시민에게 질높고 저렴한 교육서비스 를 제공하고, 생애주기 동안 안정성을 제공하는 보편적인 복지시스템을 갖추었다. 이렇게 창출된 질높은 인적 자원을 바탕으로 높은 생산성을 실현하였을 뿐만 아니라 연대에 기초한 임금 압축을 통해 노동시장에서의 평등을 달성해 왔다. 탈산업화, 기술혁명과 경제의 세계화, 저출산․고령화와 같은 자본주의 세계의 일반적인 상황 변화는 예외없이 이들 6개국에도 복지국가의 위기를 초래하 였다. 복지국가의 경직성과 비효율성도 위기의 원인으로 일조했다. 1970년대 후반부터 1990년대 중반까지의 위기와 혼동 그리고 재점화된 사회세력들 간의 갈등의 시기를 거치면서 이들 6개국은 ‘복지국가의 조정 국면’에 진입했다. 본 보고서의 6개국 경험을 보면 복지국가 위기와 개혁 과정 에서 복지국가는 자체적인 ‘회복 탄력성’이 있는 것으로 증명되었다. 특히, 1990년대 초반까지만 해도 많은 학자들이 유럽대륙 복지국가들을 동맥경화증에 걸린 “결빙된” 복지체제라고 주장했다.

하지만 이후 진행된 복지개혁과 최근의 놀라운 성과는 이러한 주장을 무색케 한다. 본 보고서에서 논의된 6개 유럽국가들의 복지국가 형성과 변형 과정에서 많은 시사점을 얻을 수 있디. 이는 크게 정치적, 정책적, 교육․문화․가치적 측면으로 구분해서 논의해 볼 수 있다. 먼저, 정치적 측면에서 볼 때 무엇보다도 복지국가의 형성 과정은 물론이고 개혁과정에서 ‘정치적 타협과 협의 구조’가 형성되었다는 점이다. 노르딕 국가들의 사회적 코포라티즘의 제도화 방식이 나 네덜란드의 SER 경험을 구체적으로 실현하는 방안이 모색될 필요가 있다. 또한, 대화와 타협의 문화에 익숙해질 수 있도록 정치시민교육을 학교교육 커리큘럼에 포함하여 강화하여야 할 것이 다. 정책적 측면에서, 노르딕과 유럽대륙 복지국가는 우리가 아는 것보다 훨씬 더 자본주의 경제 에 대한 적응력과 혁신역량이 뛰어나다는 점에 주목할 필요가 있다. 보편적 복지를 통한 생애주기 간 ‘안정’(security)의 제도화는 이와 같이 급변하는 시장 상황에 조응하여 시민들이 빠르게 적응, 재적응하는 기반이 된다는 점을 인식할 필요가 있다. 적극적 노동시장정책, 즉 활성화정책을 사회정책과 통합하는 경향은 이들 6개국 모두에서 관찰된다. 하지만 생산적 잠재력을 활성화하는 데 있어 소득보장의 중요성을 간과하지 않았음을 주목해 보아야 한다. 정부, 자본, 노동 모두 협소하고 단기적인 이해보다는 통합적이고 장기적인 이해의 관점으로 시장과 복지를 바라보아야 한다. 6개국 복지국가 개혁에서의 또 다른 공통점은 가족정책과 아동보육서비스에 대한 강조이

다. 6개국 모두에서 일-가정양립정책과 아동보육서비스에 대한 투자가 위기와 재편 이후 오히려 증가하는 경향이 있었다. 인구고령화로 인한 복지국가 재정위기에 대응하여 6개국 모두 연금개혁 을 단행했지만 개혁의 내용과 제도 조합 방식은 모두 달랐다. 우리나라의 특수성에 기반하여 노후소득보장을 강화할 수 있는 정책조합을 구상할 필요가 있다. 마지막으로, 오늘날의 복지국가, 특히 본 연구의 대상이 된 노르딕 복지국가와 유럽대륙 복지국가가 형성되기까지 이를 떠받치는 전체 시민의 복지국가에 대한 명시적, 암묵적 지지가 어디로부터 나왔는지에 대해 주목할 필요가 있다. 그것은 각 나라의 특수한 역사적, 문화적 요인들을 차치할 때, 공통적으로 복지국가를 떠받치고 있는 가치는 ‘신뢰’와 ‘연대’라 할 수 있다. 신뢰의 연대의 문화를 형성하는 데는 역사적 경험만큼이나 사회적 학습이 중요했다. 경쟁보다는 협력을 강조하는 교육 컨테츠와 ‘경제적인 것’과 ‘사회적인 것’의 조화를 모색하려는 공동체의 노력으로부터 시사점을 얻어야 할 것이다.


This study examines the process of forming a welfare state in Nordic models( Sweden, Denmark and Finland) and continental models (Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland) and recent changes. The purpose of this study is to gain policy implications for the development of Korean welfare state by analyzing the each state’s social factors and main flows. .

In the ideal type, the welfare state is a country with high innovation, productivity, flexibility, and inclusiveness by forming a virtuous circle structure of education, labor, welfare, and economy on the basis of democratic consultation structure and mutual trust. Nordic countries and continental welfare states discussed in this report do not meet all these conditions and results. Nevertheless, these countries are relatively successful in overcoming social conflicts in the historical process of welfare state formation and institutionalizing democratic consultation structures among social groups. It has a universal welfare system that provides quality and affordable education services to all citizens and provides stability during the life cycle based on high economic growth during the Golden Welfare State period. Not only has it achieved high productivity based on the high quality human resources created, but has also achieved equality in the labor market through wage compression based on solidarity. Changes in the general situation of the capitalist world, such as de-industrialization, the technological revolution and the globalization of the economy, and the low birth rate and aging, have brought the welfare state crisis to these six countries without exception. The rigidity and inefficiency of the welfare state also contributed to the crisis. Through the period of crisis between the late 1970s and the mid-1990s and the period of confusion between the social forces that were re-ignited, these six countries entered the 'adjustment phase of the welfare state'. In the experience of the six countries in this report, the welfare state has proven itself to have a "resilience" in the welfare state crisis and reform process. In particular, until the early 1990s, many scholars pointed to European welfare states as "frozen" Welfare system. However, the welfare reforms that have been carried out since then and recent remarkable achievements make this argument unclear.

There are many implications in the process of transforming the welfare state of the six European countries discussed in this report. This can be divided into political, policy, educational, cultural and value aspects. First, from the political point of view, 'political compromise and consultation structure' has been formed. It is necessary to find ways to realize the institutionalization of social corporatism in the Nordic countries and the SER experience in the Netherlands. In addition, political citizen education should be included in the school curriculum so that students can become familiar with the culture of dialogue and compromise.

It should be noted that Nordic and continental welfare states are much more adaptable and innovative in their capitalist economies. Institutionalization of 'security' between lifecycles through universal welfare is the base for citizens to quickly adapt and re-adapt in response to this rapidly changing market situation. Aggressive labor market policies, in other words, the tendency to integrate activation policies with social policy are observed in all six countries. However, it should be noted that these countries did not overlook the importance of income security in revitalizing their productive potential. Governments, capital, and labor should explore market and welfare from an integrated, long-term perspective rather than a narrow, short-term understanding.

Another common feature in welfare state reform in the six countries is the emphasis on family policy and child care services. In all six countries, investment in work-family reconciliation policies and child care services tended to increase after crisis and reorganization. In response to the fiscal crisis caused by the aging population, all six countries implemented pension reforms, but the contents of the reforms and the system of institutional arrangements were different. It is necessary to conceive a policy combination that can strengthen the guarantee of old age income based on the specificity of Korea.

Finally, it is worth noting where the explicit and tacit support of the citizens came from to form the welfare state of today. It is common to say that the basic values of the welfare state are 'trust' and 'solidarity', apart from the specific historical and cultural factors of each country. Social learning was as important as historical experience in shaping a solidarity culture of trust. We should get some implications from the efforts of the community to seek the harmony of 'economic things' and 'social things' and educational contents that emphasize cooperation rather than competition.


제1장 서론 ··················································································································1
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 ·············································································3
제2절 연구 내용 및 연구 방법 ···········································································4

제2장 복지국가의 형성, 위기, 그리고 재편 ·····················································9
제1절 문제제기 ·····································································································11
제2절 복지국가의 형성, 위기 그리고 재편 ····················································12
제3절 노르딕 모델과 유럽대륙 모델의 특징 및 분석틀 ·····························21

제3장 스웨덴: 사민주의 복지국가의 이념형적 궤적과 이탈 ························29
제1절 문제제기 ·····································································································31
제2절 스웨덴 복지국가의 형성 과정과 주요 특성 ·······································37 
제3절 1980-90년대 스웨덴모델의 전환과 재조정 ······································52 
4절 최근 스웨덴 복지국가 개혁의 동인과 주요 내용 ·····························57
제5절 스웨덴 복지국가의 함의 ·········································································71 

제4장 덴마크: 시장주의적 노동시장과 보편적 사회안전망 구성 ················73
제1절 문제제기 ·····································································································75
제2절 덴마크 복지국가 형성과 발전 ·····························································76 
제3절 덴마크 복지국가의 위기와 재편 ···························································86 
제4절 덴마크의 유연안정성(Flexicutiry) 모델 ·············································96 
제5절 덴마크 복지국가가 주는 함의 ···························································100

제5장 핀란드: 또 하나의 북유럽 모델의 형성과 번혁 ······························103
제1절 문제제기 ···································································································105
제2절 또 하나의 북유럽 모델, 핀란드 : 비교적 접근 ····························106
제3절 핀란드 복지국가의 형성, 발전, 진화 : 역사적, 정치적 접근 ····115 
제4절 핀란드 복지국가 모델의 최근 도전 과제와 미래 전망 ···············126
제5절 핀란드 복지국가가 주는 함의 ·····························································133

제6장 네덜란드: 그들은 어떻게 포용과 혁신의 아이콘이 되었나 ············135
제1절 문제제기 ···································································································137
제2절 복지국가 형성 배경과 특성 ·································································138 제3절 복지국가 위기와 사회․경제적 개혁 ····················································148 제4절 소결: 복지국가 개혁의 성과와 한계 ·················································164 

제7장 독일: 사회적 시장경제의 형성과 진화 ················································167
제1절 문제제기 ···································································································169
제2절 독일 사회국가의 형성과 특징 ·····························································171 
제3절 사회국가 개혁의 전개 과정 ·································································193 
제4절 변화하는 사회국가 ·················································································217 
제5절 독일 복지국가가 주는 함의 ·································································232

제8장 스위스: 기원, 발전, 당면 과제 ···························································235

제1절 문제제기 ···································································································237 제2절 배경·········································································································239 
제3절 복지제도의 형성 ·····················································································242 
제4절 전후 복지 정착 ·······················································································246 
제5절 오늘날의 스위스 복지제도 ···································································251 
제6절 현재 쟁점과 개혁 과정 ·········································································261 
제7절 결론과 전망 ·····························································································269

제9장 노르딕 모델과 유럽대륙 모델의 유연성과 안정성 ···························271
제1절 서론·······································································································273
제2절 최근 인구학적․사회경제적 현황 ··························································274
제3절 유연안정성 ·······························································································284 제4절 사회․경제적 결과 ····················································································295

제10장 결론: 한국에의 함의
제1절 결론 ·········································································································307 제2절 한국에의 시사점 ·····················································································311


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