Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Woman explains what viewers missed if they watched Squid Game with subtitles - Mirror Online

Woman explains what viewers missed if they watched Squid Game with subtitles - Mirror Online

Woman explains what viewers missed if they watched Squid Game with subtitles

Creepy hyper-violent thriller Squid Game has become a huge hit ever since it launched on Netflix two weeks ago, with viewers flocking to social media to share their theories

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Rosaleen FentonAudience Writer
14:10, 1 Oct 2021


A woman has gone viral online after explaining some of the important details viewers may have missed in Netflix hit show Squid Game.

It's one of Netflix's most successful series ever - a nail-biting Korean horror featuring hundreds of debt-ridden contestants vying to win 45.6 billion Korean won (£28.2 million).

It sees hundreds of contestants rounded up and forced by sinister men in hoods and masks to take part in a series of six games including British Bulldog and What's The Time Mr Wolf.

If a player loses or quits, they die, with the show featuring hundreds of deaths during the gruesome drama.

Sadly it seems many viewers may have missed out on some important details as podcaster Youngmi Mayer claimed on social media.

Youngmi went viral after sharing her insight (Image: @youngmimayer)

The hit show is set to be one of Netflix's most watched (
Image: @youngmimayer)

Youngmi, who has a podcast called Feeling Asian, racked up millions of views on TikTok after sharing her insight.


She shared two scenes from the hit show where the close-captioned subtitles had changed the nuance of the script.

These subtitles are designed for viewers who are hard of hearing - and are matched to the dubbed English dialogue, which is not always fully accurate.

She said: "Hey everyone, I just watched Squid Game and I am fluent in Korean and I had the English subtitles on and noticed that you're missing so much from the English subtitles.
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"I tweeted about it earlier so I thought I would make a little video just to show you

"The first example I want to start with Mi-nyeo, which translates to 'beautiful girl', which I think is really interesting,.

"Her dialogue constantly gets botched like every little thing that she says is f***** up.

"I think it's because she's playing a low-class character and she's a gangster, so she cusses a lot and it gets very sterilised.

"Randomly even things that aren't even that bad, like she says 'what are you looking at?' it's turned into 'go away.'


"This might seem arbitrary, but everything she says is not really aligning and so you're missing a lot of this character in what she stands for.

"Here's the one part that I think is a huge mess. Here she is trying to convince people to play the game with her.

"Right here, the translation says 'Oh, I'm not a genius, but I can work it out', what she actually said was 'I'm very smart, I just never got a chance to study.'

"That is a huge trope in Korean media - the poor person that is smart and clever but isn't wealthy, that's a huge part of her character.

"Almost everything she says is being botched translation wise [and here] you just missed what the writers want you to know about her.

"It seems so small, but it's the entire character's purpose of being in the f****** show. Here's one more thing that got me really f***** up."

Youngmi then shows a scene between player 001, the old man, and Seong Gi-hun, the main character, who has a gambling addiction.

In episode six, player 001 calls Gi-hun 'Gganbu', explaining that it means 'a good friend, one who you trust a lot.'

He adds: "You share things with them, your marbles, everything."

But Youngmi claims that the episode "missed a really small line that is the point of the whole episode."

She says: "What that translates into is there is no ownership between me and you, not we share everything.

"That is a huge miss, that's like the entire point of this f***** episode, very, it's a very small sentence, but now it doesn't even make sense.

"That is such a difference in ideology that the writer is trying to get across to you. Do you know what I mean?

"It's making me so angry, I have no idea why, I need to lay down."

Her thread went viral, with many sharing their own accounts of watching the show.

One wrote: "Honestly I ruined my non-Korean partner’s viewing of the show cuz every 3 minutes I’d go “BUT THAT'S NOT EVEN WHAT SHE SAID LEMME EXPLAIN WHAT A MORE ACCURATE TRANSLATION WOULD HAVE BEEN!!!” and then we’d both miss whatever crucial story beat was next cuz I was screeching."

Another added: "The translation drove me nuts as I watched it as well; and while I understand that sometimes there aren’t direct translations to English—as Korean (and most languages, really) are more complex than English—non-Korean-speakers are missing out on the writing."

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