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Read Capitalism 101 Online by Leon A Weinstein | Books

Read Capitalism 101 Online by Leon A Weinstein | Books

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Capitalism 101

By Leon A Weinstein
438 pages
13 hours

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Capitalism 101 explains how capitalism and liberty has helped to build a far better life for the population of the United States of America than any other system ever succeeded in any country throughout the history of humankind.

Capitalism 101 helps answer such questions as

- What works better- capitalism or socialism, and why

- Does distribution of wealth help the poor and the underprivileged

- What Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler and FDR had in common

- Does the anti-monopoly law help or hurt the competition

- What did the immigrants who worked at the XX Century sweat shops in America write to their relatives back home

- Was child labor good or bad for the children

- Is competition good or bad for the general population

- Are profits that capitalists receive good or bad for the workers

- What impact unions had on workers wages - positive or negative

- Is it possible that one man is right and the whole world is wrong

- Is stealing always bad, or is it sometimes good

- Do people like to be slaves or not

The "conservative" part of the population says that capitalism made America strong, independent, the best place in the world and the fairest society on the planet. The "liberal" part says that capitalism produced terrible working conditions, child labor, absence of medical care for the poor and injustice unheard of on the planet. Wow! What a huge difference of opinions on the same subject.

"Capitalism 101" is the only book on the market that introduces this subject in an easy to understand and fun way, with lots of stories and examples, with riddles for the readers to solve and with the explanations of different views.

The book will help folks who are not schooled in politico-economic theories to better understand basic premises, faults and benefits of the society they live in. They will have fun while reading the book and using stories and examples taken from the book. They will be able to articulate this new knowledge and understanding to their friends, co-workers and even children.

There are two ways to impact humans - one is through logic and another through emotion. We would love to say that we as "homo sapiens" think before acting, but in fact most of our actions and decisions are based on our emotional considerations. This is why this book is based from one side on a logical scientific approach, with postulates and theorems as a base and the scientific method as a building manual, and at the same time provides an emotional support (stories, riddles, historical facts) for the book's logic.

Opinions about Leon Weinstein's previous book - an action-adventure novel "Looking for Hugh: The Capitalist Guidebook":
"...fascinating story about Capitalism in an Orwellian style." Kyle McCullough, Radio Host

" is a masterpiece. It had the same feeling about it that I had when I first met Winston Smith in Orwell's classic..." Phil Hendren "Dizzy Thinks book review," London

"I think it's altruistic and noble to try all means possible to restore American traditions of individualism, self-responsibility, and entrepreneurship." Herb Walberg, Chairman, The Heartland Institute

"...terrific." Burt Pretlutsky, conservative columnist and bestselling author

"Leon Weinstein has masterfully and creatively written an adventure-fantasy which reminds me of both "Animal Farm" and "Alice in Wonderland." Terry Gilberg, Talk Radio Host, NewsTalk550

"...we love create wonderful word pictures like the Harry Potter books but with more substance." Sandra Needs, Chairman 49th AD Republican Central Committee

Good wishes to the author:
"I wish you and the book the best of luck - keep up the good work" Karl Rove

"I have a particular interest in this book's subject matter" Michele Bachmann, member of the US House of Representatives & Republican Presidential contender

"I look forward to an op

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Leon A Weinstein
Sep 29, 2011

About the author
LWLeon A Weinstein

Leon Weinstein (September 17, 1949), born Leonid Alexander Weinstein in Leningrad, USSR (now St Petersburg, Russia). Playwright, theater director and producer, author of political articles and books, including “Looking for Hugh: The Capitalist guidebook” and “Capitalism 101: My Tea Party Principles,” and a co-creator of Limited Editions Fayums. I.Education and early years: Leon started his career in theater while in high school. He wrote several plays and staged them with students of nearby Theater College (LGITMIK), as well as produced and directed several short films with students and faculty of The Motion Picture Engineers College (LIKI). Leon studied in LIKI for 2 years until he was transferred to the Culture University of Leningrad from which he graduated with MA in Performing Arts in 1973. Staring 1968 Leon combined studies in the University with work as an assistant director on major film productions at the Leningrad Film Studio “Lenfilm” as well as continued to direct plays in student theaters, including award winning productions in LIIZHT. II.Emigration In 1974 Leon emigrated from the USSR to Israel, where he completed a pre-doctoral study at the Department of Dramatic Arts of the Ramat Aviv University, and in 1976 organized Educational Theater for Youth of Tel Aviv. He directed six of his own plays and was twice nominated for the Best Children’s Show of the year. In 1984-86 Leon staged two of his plays in the Jewish Museum of New York and at the Lincoln Center for The Performing Arts also in New York, and another play in The Los Angeles Theater Center in Los Angeles. In 1986 Leon was invited to organize programs for children & youth at The National Jewish News TV/Radio Network based in Los Angeles and permanently moved to California. III.Political activities: In Israel Leon was actively involved in electing of a right of the center Likud coalition into Knesset (Israeli Parliament). Starting 1989 Leon began to take active part in establishing ties between Post-Soviet Russia and his newly adopted homeland – the United States of America. In 1990 he initiated sister city relations between St Petersburg and Los Angeles and co-founded several companies with operations in both countries, including Trada Enterprises, LeoMar International and Weinstein Art Management (WAM), the latter was aimed at providing venues for artists from ex-communist counties to be seen and heard on the West. One of the projects Leon initiated was re-development of the famous Gorki Park of Moscow, and turning it into a Universal Studio type theme park. Leon is an author of numerous short stories published in American, Russian and Israeli periodical publications, and a variety of political articles defending capitalism for numerous Internet publications. In 2009 Leon published his first political novel “Looking for Hugh” and in 2011 his textbook-like “Capitalism 101: My Tea Party Principles.”

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