Tuesday, December 3, 2024
알라딘: 역사유비로서의 개벽신학 空·公·共
역사유비로서의 개벽신학 空·公·共
이정배 (지은이)신앙과지성사2024-11-05
피너츠 고블릿.친환경 노트 (택1, 대상도서 1권 포함 종교 분야 2만 원 이상)
35,100원 (10%, 3,900원 할인)
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+ 5만원이상 구매시 2,000원
밤 10시까지 주문하면 내일 아침 7시 출근전 배송
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기독교 묵시의식과 수운의 종교체험인 한국 개벽사상을 역사적 유비로 회통 하여 신학적 상상력으로 엮어진 독창적 연구서로서 방대한 500여 쪽의 저서는 한국 사회의 종교, 경제, 정치제도에 대한 현실사회의 이중적 과제를 수행하기 위해 연속과 단절의 쌍곡선적 변주곡의 향연으로 독자를 초대한다.
이정배 교수는 50여 년의 신학적 노정에서 한국 종교체험인 개벽사상(Great Openig)을 통해 서구사상과 서구 자본주의 그리고 서구 대의 민주주의의 위기를 극복하기 위해 空·公·共의 해석학적 화두를 웅장하게 전개한다.
문명론적 시대사조에 대한 한국적 응답 _4
책을 펴내며
역사유비로서의 개벽신학: 공(空)·공(公)·공(共) _6
1장 개벽신학의 세 토대로서
동학 개벽사상 연구사의 흐름 _14
기독교 신학의 개벽적 전회 _27
역사유비와 개벽사상 _45
개벽신학의 세 토대로서 공(空)·공(公)·공(共) _53
2장 空
개벽사상가로서 성 프란치스코 _74
동학과 다석 사상, 그 필연적 만남 _116
대속과 자속의 불이성 _158
理氣 우주론 관점에서 본 초월적 자연주의 _173
3장 公
자본세 속의 ‘자본’ 기독교에서 회복력(탈성장) 시대를
위한 개벽 기독교로 _204
탈성장 시대와 개벽적 기독교 _241
포스트휴먼으로서 ‘호모 데우스’ , 그것이 개벽일까? _269
개벽, 토발(土發)적 시각에서 본 함석헌 _303
4장 共
항일과 친일의 시각에서 본 한국전쟁 _332
개벽신학으로서의 통일신학 _349
좌우 이념을 넘어선 영구 중립화 _419
‘DMZ 民+평화 손잡기’ 운동 _443
마지막 글
개벽신학의 세 차원: 空·公·共으로 본 동학 _450
주 _470
저자 및 역자소개
이정배 (지은이)
신간알리미 신청
1955년 7월 15일 서울 출생으로 2024년 올해 고희를 맞았다. 유교적 가치와 민간신앙을 지녔던 부모 밑에서 성장했으나 대광중고교를 다니면서 기독교에 눈을 떠 감리교신학대학교에 입학했다. 올해로 신학 공부 50년 세월이 쌓였다. 아내 이은선을 만나 스위스 바젤대학교 신학부에서 함께 학위를 마친 후 모교에서 30년 가르치다 명예퇴직했다.
재학 중 일아(一雅) 변선환 선생을 만나 토착화신학 전통을 잇게 된 것은 신학을 지속할 수 있는 힘이었다. 세월호 사건의 영향으로 다소 일찍 대학을 떠났으나 선생과의 첫 만남에서 얻은 감동을 지금껏 확대 재생산하고 있다. 토착화신학은 교회 비판을 넘어 시대정신과의 갈등이었고 문명 재창조의 학문이었다. JPIC 정신에 입각하여 ‘작은교회’ 운동을 시작했고 기후붕괴 시대에 ‘탈성장’ 가치를 선언했으며 다석 유영모 사상을 연구했고 그리고 최근 〈개벽신학〉을 주창한 일 모두는 동일 정신의 다른 표현들이다.
그간 수십 권의 책을 썼으나 고희를 맞아 동시에 출간한 두 책 속에 앞서 말한 모든 것이 담겼다. 『실패한 제자들 그 이후』(명작 2024)와 『역사유비로서의 개벽신학』(신앙과지성사 2024)이 바로 그것이다. 지향점이 같으나 전자는 마음으로 썼고 후자는 치열한 논리의 결과물이다. 신학자 이신을 만나 ‘역사유비’를 생각했고 그것을 동학사상과 연결시켜 〈개벽신학〉이라 말했으며 이런 의식을 펼치는 학문공동체의 탄생을 염원하며 ‘이후’라는 말로 표현했다.
자식의 앞날을 달리 생각하며 희생을 마다치 않은 부모님께 한없이 죄송하여 염치(?)없지만 신학 공부 50년 세월을 하느님께 감사하고 있다.
『우리는 하느님을 거리에서 만난다』(동연 2019)
『이정배의 수도원 독서』(신앙과지성사 2019)
『코로나바이러스, 사람에게 묻다』(밀알기획 2021)
『유영모의 귀일신학』(신앙과지성사 2021)
『종교개혁 500년과 ‘이후’ 신학』(모시는사람들 2017)
『3.1운동 100주년과 ‘이후’ 신학』((모시는사람들 2019)
『한국전쟁 70년과 ‘이후’ 교회』(모시는사람들 2020)
『역사유비로서의 이신의 슐리얼리즘 신학』(동연 2023)
『이신의 묵시의식과 토착화의 새 차원』(동연 2021)
『스승의 손사래』(늘봄 2023)
『역사유비로서의 개벽신학 空‧公‧共』(신앙과지성사 2024) 접기
최근작 : <실패한 제자들, 그 이후>,<역사유비로서의 개벽신학 空·公·共>,<개벽사상과 종교공부> … 총 58종 (모두보기)
부부들이여 '싱글의 시대'를 준비하라 | 강창희 전 미래에셋 부회장, 트러스톤연금교육포럼 대표 | ask and learn
Monday, December 2, 2024
The Business Lessons We Can Learn From Taylor Swift
The Business Lessons We Can Learn From Taylor Swift
Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Steve Jobs… and Taylor Swift? Before you dismiss the idea of adding the pop princess to the pantheon of modern-day disruptive business gurus, consider some of the stats.
In just over two weeks since its release, her new hit single, “Look What You Made Me Do,” has broken virtually every record on its way to becoming the number one song in the country. It was the most-streamed song ever on Spotify, with 10,129,087 plays in its first day alone, and it was also the most-streamed song during its debut week, logging a total of 84.4 million plays. This last feat broke the previous record held by Adele by a little over 20 million plays. The video for the song also broke records with 43.2 million plays on YouTube during its first day of release.
Swift executed all of this through a multi-platform strategy that incorporated deft use of social media, power-play deals with major streaming services, timely deployment of “old media,” a new strategy for out-smarting ticket resellers, a partnership with UPS for shipping CDs, a deal with AT&T and DirectTV to create a Taylor Swift Now on-demand video service, song teasers during college football games, and even proactive trademark applications to protect the keywords and catch-phrases she thinks will rise out of the new album.
Did I mention she can sing?
It certainly helps that Swift is a gifted musician who can string together hit songs seemingly at will, and carry them off with the swagger and sweetness to make young girls pledge their allegiance to the nation of #swifties (a name Swift has trademarked) and young male actors and models line up to be her next ex- fling. But there’s a lot more to Swift’s success than the music.
And that’s why she belongs on the list of modern-day disruptive business geniuses. Swift could have a great career just singing hit songs, playing a few tours, and living on royalties for the rest of her life. Instead, she’s constantly re-inventing herself, her music, and her distribution channels to set the pace for the industry to follow.
It’s working, too.
After more than a decade of struggling to stanch the loss of revenue to online piracy, declining CD sales, and clumsy online streaming business models, the music industry reached a major milestone last year when digital streaming became the biggest source of recorded music revenue, accounting for just over half of total industry revenue. Swift’s historic stand-offs with Apple and Spotify have played a key role in making the streaming business model work.
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The pop star recognizes – perhaps better than most business people – the one universal truth of today’s warp speed business cycle: It’s not enough to be the best at your core discipline. To truly break-out, you also need to be the best marketer, supply chain manager, intellectual property attorney, media planner, deal-maker, and tireless self-advocate.
Take Swift’s approach to social media as an example. Before the launch of her new album, Swift was already the 4th-most followed person on Twitter with 85 million followers and another 100 million followers on Instagram, a position she’s meticulously cultivated through a combination of frequent posting, constant – and sometimes direct – fan engagement, and an endless stream of selfies. So, what does someone in that position do before releasing a new album? She staged a complete social media blackout, wiping out all of her social media accounts to build intrigue and to set the stage for the release of her new, tougher persona and sound. She even declared her old self dead with the closing lyric of “Look What You Made Me Do,” in which she declares: “I’m sorry, but the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now/Why? Oh, ’cause she’s dead.” How many brands do you know of would have the courage to do that? Imagine building up one of the largest social media followings in the world then scrapping it as part of a publicity stunt. The move took some confidence.
The strategy rivaled the best product launch stagecraft from the likes of Apple and Tesla, and it produced instant, record-breaking demand. Contrast Swift’s launch with this week’s Apple iPhone X launch – a similarly long-awaited unveiling – and the differences are even more stark. Whereas Swift instantly sparked demand and met it with a bevy of distribution channels, Apple’s stock actually dropped when investors learned the company wouldn’t even start taking orders for its new phone until October.
But that’s just the beginning. She also put on a master class in brand protection by famously fighting back when Apple wanted to give her music away for free as part of a trial offer for Apple Music, trademarking a number of phrases from her new album, such as, “The old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now,” and “Look what you made me do,” as a set-up for future merchandise sales, and even going to war with ticket resellers. Her “verified fan” program utilizes a so-called boost activities, which reward fans for watching videos on YouTube or purchasing her album and merchandise. Fans with higher boost scores will have a better shot at getting tickets, a strategy designed to drive more fan engagement and address the problem of ticket scalpers and re-sellers buying up all of the capacity for live events and driving up ticket prices.
Swift even went so far as to get her hands dirty with supply chain logistics, through a deal with UPS whereby the carrier is the exclusive distributor of Swift’s CDs to consumers and retailers and – for the first time ever – its iconic brown trucks will be emblazoned with Swift’s face on the side. To tie it all together with Swift’s social media empire, fans are being encouraged to snap photos of the truck and post them with the tag #TaylorSwiftDelivery for a chance to win concert tickets.
Brand synergy, anyone?
Though it may pain some of you to admit it, a great swath of the business world has just been taken to school by a 27-year-old pop star who continues to put on a clinic in multi-platform branding, product launch, and distribution strategy. The fact is, in another life, Swift probably could have run GE or P&G. But just because her lessons manifest themselves in catchy refrains and selfies instead of balance sheets and M&A doesn’t make them any less insightful for more traditional business leaders.
She’s checked literally every box in the business growth playbook, and created some new ones of her own. She’s had the courage to reinvent, disrupt her own business, and walk away from the past, all while building steady customer engagement throughout the journey, cultivating a fan base, and partnering for success. She’s also made a ton of money in the process. Last year, Forbes named her the world’s top-earning celebrity having earned $170 million in 2016. We all have a lot to learn.
Joe Harpaz is co-CEO of ModMed, a health-tech company based in Boca Raton, Florida, where he focuses on helping physicians run successful practices. He writes about the business of
...Business Lessons from Taylor Swift: What Every Business Can Learn From a Global Icon - Wood, Kristopher Michael Michael | 9798870946276 | Amazon.com.au | Books
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Kristopher Michael WoodKristopher Michael Wood
Business Lessons from Taylor Swift: What Every Business Can Learn From a Global Icon Paperback – 5 December 2023
by Kristopher Michael Michael Wood (Author)
5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating
The first business book to analyze the success of global icon Taylor Swift
Business Lessons from Taylor Swift: What Every Business Can Learn From a Global Icon" is a deep dive into the career of Taylor Swift from a business standpoint, offering insights into her ascent from a small-town musician to an emblem of global superstardom. This book is a treasure trove for anyone interested in understanding how strategic thinking, storytelling, and personal branding can transform a business enterprise.
The book begins with Swift's early days in Reading, Pennsylvania, highlighting her innate sense of storytelling and her deep connection with her audience.
Swift’s career is dissected as a case study in brand-building, exploring how she transformed personal experiences into a marketable identity, resonating with millions worldwide. From redefining her musical genres to standing up against music industry giants, Swift’s career is a testament to her strategic acumen and her unyielding dedication to her core values.
This book is a blueprint for businesses and individuals alike, showcasing how Swift approaches innovation, audience engagement, and brand resilience, and how they can be applied across various industries. "Business Lessons from Taylor Swift" is a compelling read for Swift fans, business enthusiasts, and anyone interested in the art of building a lasting brand in the modern world.
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Product details
Publisher : Independently published (5 December 2023)
Language : English
Paperback : 245 pages
ISBN-13 : 979-8870946276
Reading age : 13 - 18 years
Dimensions : 15.24 x 1.42 x 22.86 cmBest Sellers Rank: 1,043,025 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)884 in Music Business (Books)
1,960 in Starting a Business
257,045 in Teen & Young Adult (Books)Customer Reviews:
5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating
About the author
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Kristopher Michael Wood
Kristopher Michael Wood is a skilled storyteller and founding member of the Cialdini Institute, founded by renowned psychologist Robert Cialdini. As a writer, Behavior Design Specialist, UX consultant, and the current Director of Brand Storytelling at Lotos Nile, he utilizes his diverse professional background in his work.
Wood, a graduate of New York University and Columbia University, uses his academic insights to enhance the depth and relatability of his writing. His career extends beyond academic achievements, including over a decade in the lighting department for The Late Show with David Letterman and over twenty years touring with artists like Radiohead, Elton John, Roxy Music, and Sheryl Crow. These varied experiences have shaped his unique storytelling approach.
His writing, featured in publications like McSweeney's, The American Bystander, and Sorbet Magazine, is known for its innovation and ability to engage readers. Whether he's working on brand storytelling or writing articles, Wood’s narratives are noted for their exploration of human behavior and emotion.
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알라딘: 역사유비로서의 개벽신학 空·公·共
알라딘: 역사유비로서의 개벽신학 空·公·共 역사유비로서의 개벽신학 空·公·共 이정배 (지은이) 신앙과지성사 2024-11-05 미리보기 피너츠 고블릿.친환경 노트 (택1, 대상도서 1권 포함 종교 분야 2만 원 이상) 정가 39,000원 판매가 3...
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